Grand Junction’s NFL Fans, Not Everyone is Sad For the Broncos
It's been said "misery loves company" but not everyone in Grand Junction is aboard the Denver Broncos train of misery.
While it may be true that most football fans in Colorado are cheering for the Broncos, there are a lot of folks wearing other colors. That means that as disappointing as this season may be for Broncos' fans, there are plenty of people in Grand Junction who are living on high hopes for other teams.
I've spent the last two Sunday afternoons watching the Minnesota Vikings at a local sports bar and have been amazed at the variety of NFL jerseys I see - Steelers, Patriots, Cowboys, Seahawks, Packers, and 49ers among others. These people may be Colorado transplants with family origins in other states. I can't blame them a bit for their loyalty.
It reminds me that America is a melting pot. Colorado is a melting pot. We are a conglomeration of variety whether it's choice of NFL team, the outdoor activities we do, the concerts we attend, or the cars that we drive.
Here's the deal. If you are a sports fan you're going to have heartache and disappointment. It goes with the territory. You're going to have exciting moments, games, and seasons, but, along the way can expect plenty of let-downs and hard times. It really doesn't matter who your favorite team is in any sport there will be ups and downs.
Regardless of who each of us is rooting for, we are all in the same boat. We want our team to win. We hate to lose. The one thing in common we possess is the fact that we are sports fans. Not everyone is a Broncos fan, but everyone loves their team just as much as the die-hard 'Big Orange" fan.
I recently asked the question on Facebook, "Who is your favorite NFL team?" As one would expect, we got a variety of answers.
Did you notice that nobody mentioned the Lions, Browns, Bills, or Bengals? You just don't run into many fans of those teams here in Western Colorado. Considering all the years of futility, anyone who is still a fan of those teams has got to be a true football fan. I actually have met a Browns fan or two in Grand Junction and I have great admiration for them. The Browns have been bad for so long.
The season is young, there is a lot of football to be played. So, good luck to you and your team this season - whether it's the Broncos, the Cowboys - and yes, even if it's the Chiefs or the Patriots.
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