How Will Grand Junction Celebrate ‘Live Long and Prosper Day’?
This Friday, March 26, is the day we celebrate "Live Long and Prosper Day." Seriously, there is a "Live Long and Prosper Day." How do you plan to celebrate?
According to the website HolidayInsights, this holiday has been around since 2017. It is always celebrated on March 26.

Where did this holiday come from?
I'm sure you are very much aware the origin of this popular saying. It is no coincidence the holiday is celebrated on the same date as Leonard Nimoy's birthday, March 26, 2031.
According to the LLAP (Live Long and Prosper) webpage,
LLAP Day, celebrated annually on Leonard Nimoy's birthday of March 26th, encourages you to contemplate the Vulcan blessing and see how it might apply to your life. Whether it's reading a book, making investments, changing your diet, or watching some Star Trek, if you think it will make you happier, healthier, or increase your prosperity, today is the perfect day to give it a try.
What can you do to make it happen?
Llapday.com offers several suggestions as to how you can live longer and be more prosperous. For example:
- Eat better
- Exercise
- Read
- Save
- Volunteer
Do you recall Leonard Nimoy's final tweet?
Nimoy was very much a poet at heart. His final tweet, dated February 23, 2015, four short days before he died, read:
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP (Live Long and Prosper)"
How do you plan to observe the day?
This is a very important question. Earlier yesterday, Mesa County announced the 'Free to Choose' initiative. Residents will soon have the opportunity to return to their routines. What will you do to make the most of it?
Here's one possibility. This comes to us from Grand Junction musician Bill Moody. I asked Bill what he plans to do on Live Long and Prosper Day. His reply:
Find some green chick, drink Romulan Ale, and listen to jazz." - Bill Moody
Thanks, Bill. Okay, that's one suggestion. Here are a few more. Select all of those you plan to implement so as to "Live Long and Prosper." If I missed anything, please write it in.
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