Grand Junction Elementary School’s Letters To Louisiana Go Viral
Big hand claps are in order for Grand Junction fourth grade teacher Alora McCormick and her students at Appleton Elementary School.
Expressions of Love, Hope, and Encouragement
In the wake of Hurrican Ida which wreaked havoc in Louisiana, a group of elementary students in Grand Junction reached out to offer love, hope, and encouragement to the people whose lives were turned on end by the recent hurricane.
The story comes from the Mesa County Valley School District 51 Facebook page of how the efforts of fourth-grade students at Appleton Elementary have gone viral.

Teacher's Hometown Is Hit Hard
Ms. McCormick is from Louisiana, and when her students learned the hurricane had hit her hometown they wanted to write letters of love and encouragement to show their support for those people. Ms. McCormack posted the letters on her Facebook and the response has been absolutely amazing.
Initially, the post received 80 shares, and within a couple of days, the letter post had been shared over 2,000 times. Ms. McCormack has heard from several principals in Louisiana wanting to share the letters with their students.
We Need More Kindness Like This
It's always heart-warming when you see young kids reaching out in kindness when they see others going through difficult times. If there is one thing we need in the world today it's more kindness, and these kids from Appleton Elementary in Grand Junction are off to a great start. Here's a tip of the hat to Ms. McCormack and her amazing students.
Letters To Louisiana From Grand Junction Elementary Students
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