Wait, people still work after retirement?

I don't know about you, but when I think of retirement, I think about being done working. No more nine to five job, no more deadlines to meet, and no more bosses breathing down my neck (that last one stays between us). Of course there will be hobbies and other things to keep me busy. Heck, maybe I'll write a book. However, for the most part, it's all play and no work.

As it turns out, there is something called a post-retirement side hustle.

See, retiring can be tough on some people as it's hard to adjust to not working. Many take on a side job just to stay busy. There are also people who need a little extra money for financial stability. Either way you slice it, people are working after they retire.

I found an interesting article recently that determined which post-retirement side job is most popular in each state. Some of the most popular jobs include substitute teacher, administrative assistant, and school bus driver among others.

In Colorado we see many people become bookkeepers.

Bookkeepers typically take care of your finances. They prepare accounts and document financial transactions. The job has also been around since about the beginning of time. As long as people are terrible with math and numbers, there will be a place for bookkeepers.

It also sounds like a job you can do from anywhere and the hours are flexible. The average pay is $17.35 per hour which is fairly high compared to the other jobs that were listed. The salary also averages about $42,940 a year.

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