Cancer Day in Grand Junction is October 14th
Cancer Day in Grand Junction, presented by St. Mary's Cancer Survivorship Program is a day-long event that brings together the many facets of cancer treatment in the Grand Valley.
It also brings together those who have survived cancer, as well as the caregivers to allow them to get together with other people who are going through the same thing.
Cancer Day will have over 400 people in the ballroom at CMU, including doctors and presenters to answer those "need to know" questions. Those who attended last year found the resources available to be amazing, the staff contacts helpful and the sheer number of cancer survivors there impressive. And all looking to be helpful and informative.
St. Mary's Survivorship Program is a huge support to cancer survivors and their caregivers by offering a wide range of things for them to tap into, including free massages. yoga, therapeutic touch therapy and a whole lot more.
This year's theme is "Taking Control of Your Life With Cancer" and will be held on October 14th from 8:30-4:00 in the Meyer Ballroom on the campus of Colorado Mesa University. To find more information about Cancer Day, click the link or go to St. Mary's Web Site and click services.
Bonus Video: