Breckenridge Displays the Amazing Things You Can Do With Snow
The annual snow sculpting championship in Breckenridge displays some of the most amazing things you can do with snow.
Each year, teams congregate in Breckenridge from all around the world to compete and artists are given 65 hours to complete their work. In the video above you can see the winners from 2016.
The snow sculptures are absolutely incredible and mind boggling.The winners must have won thousands of dollars! But, no, all they get is a medallion, a trophy, and a ribbon - and the satisfaction of being the best.
Sculpting week is January 24-28, and viewing week is January 28 -February 5.
Viewing week is where everyone gets to see the end result of hours and hours of meticulous sculpting and creating. There is a people's choice award and you can vote for your favorite piece until 2:00 PM on Sunday the 29.
For those that are all about taking in the wonders of snow, get to Breckenridge and prepare to be amazed.
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