Aretha Franklin Speaks Out About Beyonce Lip-Syncing At Presidential Inauguration
When Aretha Franklin was asked about Beyonce's alleged lip-syncing the national anthem at the presidential inauguration, you'd think she would have some harsh words, especially since she performed live at the inauguration four years ago.The Queen of Soul's response was anything but harsh. According to an interview with ABC News, Aretha said, "When I heard the news this evening that she was pre-recorded, I really laughed." She went on to say, " I thought it was funny because the weather down there was about 46 or 44 degrees and for most singers that is just not good singing weather."
Aretha remarked, "She, (Beyonce), did a beautiful job with the time I'll probably do the same."
When asked if she thought Beyonce's alleged lip-syncing was wrong, Aretha said, "I think it's optional really, it's up to the artist."
Aretha also stated she enjoyed James Taylor's performance of "America The Beautiful" and was quite emotional throughout the entire ceremony.