Have you ever had a coyote escort?

Getting a view of a Colorado coyote that's not on the run is challenging enough. Getting a close-up view is even more difficult. So, it's quite surprising that Facebook user Ron Acklin was able to capture this beauty on video in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Not only did this coyote want to stay on the road, but it was also not in hurry about getting out of the way. An occasional glance back is all you get from this furry critter, deciding it was going to be much more efficient to travel by paved road rather than tromping through the deep snow.

If you do any hiking or biking you have no doubt seen signs admonishing trail users to share the trail or share the road. Either this coyote can't read, or it simply is not interested in sharing the road. But, he's so cool, we'll give him a pass this time.

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