For many people, Halloween marks the beginning of weight gain season. If you're like me, candy begs to be eaten, especially if it's chocolate. Here are some tricks to avoid the temptations of Halloween.Buy candy you don't love. Let's face it, I can walk away from a bag of Skittles, but show me a bag of Peanut M&M's and I'm likely to eat the whole thing by the end of the day.

Out of sight out of mind.  Keep the Halloween candy stashed away until the trick-or-treaters show up and then put it away before you go to bed. If your kids go out and bring home a bunch of candy, don't leave the bags and buckets out. I know people who sort the candy into plastic zipper bags and store them on the top shelf in the pantry.

Eat well-balanced filling meals, especially on Halloween.  A full stomach is almost guaranteed to cut the cravings.  While you might not avoid the candy completely, it will be easier to stop at one or two of those bite-sized treats.

Limit yourself to one piece of your favorite candy per day.  Set a time when you know you will get the most enjoyment from your treat and then savor the moment.

Chew gum. Sugarless is best, but any gum will satisfy your sweet tooth and help you overcome the urge to raid the candy dish.

WebMD has more tips to help you avoid the Halloween candy temptations.


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