To put into words everything I'm thankful for would take more time and space than I have. Consequently, I would like to narrow it down to a few highlights.When I reflect on the past year, it is easy to see how blessed I have been in so many ways. I struggle to put it into words because it ends up sounding like some cheesy, canned speech - even though it's not.

I am extremely grateful for good health and just to be alive.I reached the age 50 milestone this year and I feel fortunate to have made it to half a century. There have been a lot of people this year who were taken out of this world well before they reached 50. Many of these people had made plans for their future, for the holidays, for next year - and they didn't make it -  whether it was due to sickness, disease, an accident, whatever. Lord, help me to never take my next breath for granted.(and please help me to feel this good when/if I get to 60)

I am thankful for the ability to taste how good a pumpkin pie is, and to smell the turkey roasting in the oven.

(Tom Freeman)
(Tom Freeman)

I am grateful  I have vision that affords me the opportunity each day to appreciate the majestic Grand Mesa overlooking the valley, and the uniqueness of the Bookcliffs to the north. May I never stop being amazed.

I am grateful for the chance to sing the songs of the season. Though I don't sing them well, it gives me joy to have that music flowing out of me. It may not bless anyone else's ears, but it does me good.

The last thing I would mention that I'm thankful for is the ability to be loved, to receive love, and to give love. Talk about something that is so easily taken for granted. I can't even imagine what it's like for people who really have no one to love, and no one to give them a smile, a touch, a kind word, an embrace.

Though completely undeserving, God has blessed me greatly. I hope He knows how truly thankful I am for these blessings.

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