Stairs are made for walking up and down. However, if you decide to slide down the stairs, there are some very important things you need to know, like don't do it.

If you've gotten this far, then you've decided to ignore that advice, so at least take a few minutes to learn the science behind stair surfing before finding yourself in the emergency room.

Step 1.

The disclaimer. Knowing the science behind stair surfing only reduces the risk of injury, it doesn't eliminate it. So, proceed at your own risk.

Step 2.

Watch the video and pay very close attention to the people who fail miserably at stair surfing and picture yourself as one of them.

Step 3.

Now, if you're going to try it, refer to "Step 4" while you check to make sure your health insurance covers stupidity.

Step 4.

Watch the video again. Make sure you completely understand the proper way to stair surf. You'll either be a stair surfing hero, or more likely, wishing you only watched videos of people failing and that you weren't the star of one.

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