The internet is all abuzz about the shocking transformation of actress Renee Zelwegger, who now appears completely unrecognizable as the Renee we've all come to know and love. Is the change for the better?

Like most people, I was shocked when I saw the new Renee Zelwegger. I liked the "old" Renee just fine. She was very unique in her appearance. Not the most beautiful woman in the world, but there was something about her that was very attractive. She was cute.

Now, she looks like --everyone else. There's nothing unique about her, nothing special. Has she had work done on her face? Or are these changes a result of lifestyle changes?

Zelwegger was quoted by eonline  as saying "Perhaps I look different. Who doesn't as they get older?! Ha. But I am different. I'm happy." That's great. I'm happy for her. And what she or anyone else does with their appearance is none of my business. It's your life, live it the way you want to.

But, here's what I want to say to women. Embrace who you are, what you are, and how you look. Should you do what you can to look as good as possible? Yes, I believe so. But, don't try to measure up to the fabricated images of beauty that constantly bombard us in the media. So you aren't as thin as you would like, so what? The fact is, few people are. So your hair isn't as full and thick as your favorite TV star. So what? Just go with what you got, and make it the best it can be --and then be happy with it.

If Renee Zelwegger has artificially changed her looks, I am sad for her. The fact is, she was just fine the way she was. But, what I think, or what anyone else thinks, doesn't matter. She's the one that has to look in the mirror and be fine with it. While I am a bit sad about the change in her appearance, I'm even more saddened by the fact that she wasn't happy with who she was.

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