Some health experts are telling us there is something that we don't wash properly - or often enough. My first thought would be our hands. Another thought would be the kitchen or bathroom countertop. How about shoes? But, no. It's our pillows. Our pillows apparently are not receiving the cleaning love they need and deserve.

Sure, we wash our pillow cases regularly. But, it's true. We rarely wash the pillow itself. We sleep on it and drool on it, but yet we don't feel the need to wash it.So that begs the question - exactly how does one properly wash a pillow? Here are six easy steps to properly wash your pillow.

1) Read the lable on the pillow to make sure it is washable
2) Check the seams on the pillow for any openings that could provide an escape route for the stuffing during washing.
3)Fill the washing machine half full and add detergent. Start the wash cycle and let it agitate for about 3 minutes or until the detergent is mixed with the water.
4)You should position two pillows opposite each other to keep the washer balanced. If you are only washing one pillow use towels or a small blanket to counter balance.
5)Continue filling the washer with water until the pillows are covered. Push the pillows into the water to help release the air.
6)Select the gentle cycle and wash for four to eight minutes. After a minute or so you might want to lift the lid and check to make sure the pillows are submerged and not retaining air pockets.

  • Allow foam pillows to air dry. Foam pillows can be dried in the dryer, but without heat.
  • Check the pillows frequently during the drying cycle, and fluff them to help them retain their shape.
  • Even with a protective cover, your pillow should be washed occasionally.
  • Down or feather pillows may need professional cleaning. Check the label.

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