It doesn't take a genius to figure out that selling an Ebola Halloween costume is a really bad idea.

Whether we want to face it, accept it, believe it, or not, Ebola has come to the United States. How far it will go remains to be seen, but the fact is, it is a very serious matter.

We had to know that it was just a matter of time before somebody tried to capitalize on the Ebola scare. Sure enough. A costume company is now selling an Ebola Containment Suit as a Halloween costume. The costume includes a white biohazard suit and mask, blue latex gloves, and goggles. It even says "Ebola" on the suit.

Ebola should not be taken lightly, nor should it be joked about. Thousands of people have died from it, and now, here in our homeland, our own people have become affected. These are real human beings with kids and families and hopes and dreams, just like you and I.

To make light of the Ebola situation is disrespectful to the people who have been affected by it. Joking about it is like laughing in the face of an angry grizzly bear that has the potential to bite your head off. We don't yet know how widespread Ebola will be, but the potential is certainly there for this to be a legitimate national catastrophe.Somehow we seem to think that we are immune from some widespread outbreak.

There are plenty of other "bad"  Halloween costume ideas - like President Obama, O.J. Simpson, a Colorado Pothead, or Joan Rivers, but anything connected to Ebola is a really bad idea.


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