The early morning snow in Grand Junction may not have been a huge surprise, but the eerie imprint it created on my windshield was a complete surprise.

Honestly, I wasn't really expecting snow this morning, but when I opened the garage door this morning at 5am to set the trash out, not only did I find snow - I found this strange imprint on my windshield.

(Zane Mathews)
(Zane Mathews)

The car had been sitting in the driveway all night long. It's not like part of the windshield was warm and part of it was not. The entire vehicle was as cold as ice.

It's not as creepy as the Mel Gibson movie 'Signs', but  at least for a moment I wondered if somehow I had been visited by some alien snow gremlins.

What do you think caused this cool design to form on the windshield? I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation - otherwise, I'm calling Mel Gibson.


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