'Tis the season to be jolly. But finding the Christmas spirit can be difficult when it comes to Christmas shopping. There are the crowds, the lines, cranky sales clerks, incorrectly priced items, and the simple matter of trying to figure out what in the world to buy. But, what is it that 55% of people hate the most about Christmas shopping?According to a recent survey, the  #1 thing t shoppers hate the most is trying to find a place to park. It makes sense. Normally it's fairly cold when we are doing our Christmas shopping, and we don't want to have to walk a long ways to get into a store. And then, if we have made purchases inside, we don't want to lug the merchandise half a mile to our vehicle.

The solution seems pretty simple to me. Since I would guess that this is a bigger problem for the ladies, my suggestion, which seems pretty obvious, is to have the husband drop the wife off at the door and then go park. When shopping is done, the guy goes to get the car and picks up the wife at the door. It seems simple enough. The question then for the ladies is....how to get the husband to agree to take her Christmas shopping? Unfortunately, I don't have the answer to that one. I can't solve all of the world's problems.

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