On Thursday, May 25th the Colorado Wildlife Commission made the decision, unanimously, to allow the shooting of prairie dogs to continue.

What does this mean for Grand Junction? Well for those of you who venture out towards 25 1/2 Road and Patterson, you will see the prairie dog villages sprouting up. And they aren't limited to just that spot. Prairie dogs have invaded many empty lots that adjoin apartment complexes, single family homes, ranches and more. Farmers and ranchers want them gone because the holes they dig cause their livestock and horses to step into the holes, braking legs and leading to the deaths of those animals. Others are annoyed by the "dirty little things" and just want them gone.

In January the group WildEarth Guardians presented a petition to the commission asking for the shootings to cease. Yesterday's ruling came as a result of the hearings held due to that petition. Unsure of how to proceed, the group may next try to put the issue on a ballot to let the voters decide.

What are your thoughts? Should they be shot? Should the be poisoned out? What about relocating them far away from inhabited areas?

Check out the poll, or add a suggestion of your own!


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