Birth control pills are now being sold in pharmacies across Colorado and you don't have to see a doctor to get them. Almost half of pregnancies in Colorado are unplanned, this is the solution.

This new law was passed in 2017 which allows pharmacists to prescribe contraceptives. Almost half of pregnancies in Colorado are unplanned, I think this is going to help.

Special training is required for pharmacists to be able to prescribe birth control. Patients must be 18 and over to get birth control, have a consultation with a pharmacist and then you can walk away with your prescription. During the consultation, patients have to do a blood pressure test, pregnancy screening, fill our medical history and discuss your options.

The director of pharmacies for Alberston's-Safeway pharmacies, Nikki Price said, "From the time that you walk into our store to the time that you’re actually paying for it and leaving is probably 20 to 25 minutes..." Women may not take the time to go to the doctor, but you can't beat 25 minutes for self-protection.

Pharmacists can also refer patients to a physician. Prices said that this is useful for women that are new to Colorado. You could be between doctors or health insurance and you might run out of your birth control -- then what? Then you head to a Safeway or another pharmacy and you protect yourself.

Source: Fox31

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